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Sales Strategy.

Retail Company


A well-established retail firm was poised to onboard its first dedicated sales executive. Simultaneously, the CEO, who had been spearheading sales, was gearing up to shift into an account management role.
The CEO's transition presented potential challenges: ensuring sales continuity during this change and setting up the new sales executive for success. The company needed a robust strategy that would seamlessly bridge the transition and align with its product strengths.
In a collaborative effort with the CEO, we delved into a comprehensive understanding of the firm's product line and its unique selling points. Armed with this knowledge, we developed a detailed customer profile, designed an efficient sales process, and identified the most effective channels to reach their target audience. A structured plan, complete with clear milestones, was crafted for the incoming sales executive.
With the implementation of our strategy, the CEO smoothly transitioned to account management. Simultaneously, the new sales hire was equipped with a clear and actionable roadmap, enhancing their sales efficacy. The successful outcome has led the CEO to consider partnering with us for potential international market expansions.

More case studies.

Hi, my name is Liam sanders and i am the managing director of swiftree.

I am an experienced B2B sales leader, Chief Revenue Officer (CRO), and strategy consultant with over 10 years of global experience, specialising in business consulting for Fortune 500 companies. I offer both fractional and project-based support to drive sales and strategic initiatives for global clients.

Liam Sanders, Founder of Swiftree Growth and Sales Consultant
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