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Sales Health Check

Step 1 of 11

  • The Sales Health Check is a comprehensive tool designed to help you self-assess key areas of your sales function.

    By scoring each question across multiple dimensions of your sales process, you’ll be able to identify areas for immediate attention, opportunities for improvement, and strengths to capitalise on.

    This Sales Health Check is designed to help you evaluate key areas of your sales function, including strategy, processes, team performance, and customer retention. Each question uses a 1–5 scoring system, allowing you to assess how well each part of your sales operation is functioning.

    1Needs Immediate Attention: Major gaps; processes not in place.
    2Needs Improvement: Some processes exist, but they are incomplete or inconsistent.
    3On Track: Processes are mostly in place but could be optimised.
    4Strong: Well-defined processes with minor opportunities for improvement.
    5Best Practice: Fully optimised processes functioning at the highest level.

    Once you’ve completed the audit, we invite you to schedule a free 30-minute consultation where we’ll review your scores and provide tailored recommendations to help optimise your sales function.

  • To get started, please provide your contact details:

  • Now, let’s answer a few questions to help us understand your organisation:

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